Božo Bećir
Osvědčený majitel

Božo Bećir

Hodnocení (62)

  • Mauricio
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    S Cirem jsme si užili tolik legrace, byl velmi profesionální, znalý a vzal nás na některá z nejlepších pláží a koupališť, která jsme viděli. Celodenní výlet jsme si moc užili. Loď je v perfektním stavu. Tuto loď rozhodně doporučujeme. 10/10 zkušeností.
    We had so much fun along with Ciro, he was very professional, knowledgeable and he took us to some of the best beach and swimming spots we have seen. We enjoyed a lot the whole day trip. The boat is in perfect conditions. We definitely recommend this boat. 10/10 experience.
  • Joan
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    Vřele doporučuji, zejména pro vzor!!
    Muy recomendable, sobretodo por el patrón!!
  • Hugo
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    Excellent experience, nice boat and very friendly skipper.
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  • Daniela
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    Velmi bychom doporučili Bozo. Měli jsme úžasný zážitek. Loď je sen a Chorvatsko na lodi také. Byli jsme vyzvednuti v Cavtatu a jeli jsme na Elafiti ostrovy. Ciro byl skvělý a dobře informovaný průvodce, který s námi sdílel něco z historie Dubrovníku. Udělal pro nás také rezervaci v restauraci obala - fantastické výhledy a jídlo - předtím, než jsme se vydali na cestu domů. Děkuji!!
    We would highly recommend Bozo. We had a wonderful experience. The boat is a dream and so is Croatia on a boat. We were picked up in Cavtat and rode up to the Elafiti islands. Ciro was a great and knowledgeable tour guide sharing some of Dubrovniks history with us. He also made a reservation for us at restaurant obala- fantastic views and food- before we embarked on the way back home. Thank you!!
  • Alexis
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    Pěkný den s přátelskou posádkou.
    Nice day with a friendly crew.
  • Steven
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    We had a wonderful afternoon with skipper Ciro, a professional and friendly captain. He did a great job and made us feel safe and at ease. He was flexible and listened to our wishes, which all came true! The boat is really great! It was clean and with plenty of space. There was enough shade to avoid the burning sun. Loved every minute of our trip. Thank you Bozo & Ciro! Steven and family, Belgium.
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  • Esther
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    Very nice boat and skipper, we had a great memorable day
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  • Colin
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    Měli jsme úžasný den s naším kapitánem Ćiro. Udělali jsme celodenní výlet, který nám umožnil šnorchlovat v blízkosti jeskyní v čistých vodách Jadranu. Krásná! Poté jsme navštívili Lopud, kde jsme měli krásný oběd v Ristoran Dubrovník. Pak jsme se plavili poblíž dalšího ostrova, abychom viděli přístav, než jsme zakotvili v laguně, abychom si mohli více zaplavat a odpočinout. Jednoznačný vrchol naší dovolené v Dubrovníku!
    We had an amazing day with our skipper, Ćiro. We did the full day trip which allowed us to do snorkelling near caves in the clear waters of the Adriatic. Beautiful! We then visited Lopud where we had a lovely lunch at Ristoran Dubrovnik. We then sailed near another island to see the port before anchoring in a lagoon for more swimming and relaxing. A definite highlight of our holiday in Dubrovnik!
  • Ada
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    Měli jsme fantastický den, náš kapitán Ciro byl úžasný, měli jsme se tak skvěle, děkujeme! !
    We had a fantastic day, our skipper Ciro was wonderful, we had such a great time, thank you!!
  • Constanza
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    A great day !
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  • Hicham
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    A fantastic day well spent on a great boat along a great skipper. Excellent service and support !
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  • Alexandre
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    Na Bozoově lodi jsme se skvěle bavili: loď byla úžasná, posádka byla opravdu milá a zajistila, že prožijeme nezapomenutelný zážitek.
    We had a great time on Bozo’s boat: the boat was amazing, the crew was really nice and made sure we live an unforgettable experience.
  • Garth
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    My wife and I have just had a relaxing day on the water exploring the beautiful Elaphite Islands from Dubrovnik. Ćiro our skipper was a great host and tailored the itinerary to our preferences, which was a mix of touring, swimming, lunch at a great restaurant on Lopud and more swimming! The boat was perfect and arrangements were coordinated by Bozo in a friendly easy manner. Highly recommend!
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  • James
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    Pronajali jsme si loď na jeden den a kvalita personálu a celý zážitek byl vynikající. Znovu je najal během našeho týdne v Dubrovníku
    We hired the Boat for a day, and the quality of the staff and whole experience was excellent. Re-hired them again during our week in Dubrovnik
  • Keith
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    We spent the day with Ciro touring around the islands off the coast of Dubrovnik. He was a pleasure to be with and we loved the experience. We had lunch in Restaurant Dubrovnik on Lopud Island which was fabulous.... Highly Recommend
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  • Jason
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    Our boat trip was amazing! The crew was very accommodating. We got to visit three of the islands off the coast. The water was beautiful and the blue cave was particularly special. It was the best trip we did while in Croatia. I would highly recommend!
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  • Efthymis
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    Totally recommended!
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  • Wyatt
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    S přáteli jsme se na lodi skvěle bavili. Musíme se podívat na spoustu skvělých míst v okolí Dubrovníku.
    My friends and I had a great time on the boat. We got to check out a lot of cool places around Dubrovnik.
  • Laurence
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    parfaite !
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  • Hattie
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    Zarezervovali jsme si půldenní výlet pro 7 z nás. Skvělý výlet po ostrovech včetně občerstvení, koupání a prohlídek památek. Výlet může být přizpůsoben tomu, co byste chtěli vidět a dělat. Necítil jsem se turisty nebo zaneprázdněn jinými loděmi v okolí. Opravdu doporučuji.
    Booked a half day trip for 7 of us. Brilliant trip around the islands including drinks snacks, swimming and sightseeing. Trip could be tailored to what you’d like to see and do. Didn’t feel touristy or busy with other boats around. Really recommend.
  • Darleen
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    Great job A pleasure to work with Bizo Professional and answered any pre trip questions and was available at any time The boat was great snd clean and cres was professional and friendly Truly one of the best days on our trip
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  • Belinda
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    Naše skupina měla úžasný výlet na ostrovy Elaphiti. Náš kapitán byl přátelský a vstřícný. Bylo zajištěno občerstvení a studené nápoje a loď byla čistá a v dobrém stavu. Perfektní pro naše potřeby. Určitě doporučujeme, byl to úžasný den za poznáním!
    Our group had an amazing trip to the Elaphiti Islands. Our skipper was friendly and accommodating. Snacks and cold drinks were provided and the boat was clean and in good condition. Perfect for our needs. We would definitely recommend, it was an amazing day exploring!
  • Simon
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    Skvělý zážitek. Bozo Becir je vstřícný, velmi citlivý a vždy se snaží nabídnout nejlepší řešení pro blaho skupiny. Odjeli jsme v 15 se 2 loděmi, kapitáni byli velmi vítáni. A i přes ne vždy optimální povětrnostní podmínky nelitujeme, že jsme vypluli a užili si okolí Dubrovníku. Udělat znovu!
    Une super expérience. Bozo Becir est arrangeant, ultra réactif et tente toujours de proposer la meilleure des solutions pour le bien-être du groupe. Nous sommes partis à 15 avec 2 bateaux, les skippers étaient très accueillants. Et malgré des conditions météo pas toujours optimales, nous ne regrettons pas d'avoir pris la mer pour profiter des environs de Dubrovnik. A refaire !
  • Robbie
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    Skvělý den na palubě dobře vybavené lodi. Obávali jsme se, že bouřkové počasí může způsobit zrušení - Takže opravdu oceňujeme, že nás zkušený kapitán navigoval a dokonce našel nějaké zátoky s trochou slunečního svitu!
    A terrific day onboard a well-equipped boat. We were worried stormy weather may cause us to cancel - So we really appreciate the expert skipper navigating us through and even finding some bays with some sunshine!
  • Bernd
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    Opět perfektní den. Přátelský majitel a kapitán. Vrátíme se do Bozo pro pronájem.
    Again a perfect day. Friendly owner and skipper. We will come back to Bozo for a rental.
  • James
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    Rezervováno nebo celý den a skvělé služby a zkušenosti. Skvělá komunikace předem i během. Vysoce doporučeno.
    Booked or a whole day and great service and experience. Great comms beforehand and during. Highly recommended.
  • Helen
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    Moje rodina a já jsme měli nejlepší den s Niksou. Provedl nás šnorchlováním po všech ostrovech a přivedl nás na ten nejkrásnější ostrov na oběd. Dal nám historii ostrovů a z naší cesty vytěžil maximum. Vřele doporučuji!
    My family and I had the best day with Niksa. He took us all around the islands snorkelling and brought us to the most beautiful island for lunch. He gave us the history of the islands and made the absolute most of our trip. Highly recommend!
  • Stéfanie
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    Perfektní!! Úžasný den ! Děkujiuuuu!
    Perfect !! Amazing day ! Thank youuuuu!
  • Moises
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    The captain and mate were excellent, boat was clean and everything was great. Will come back and do it again next year. Thank you.
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  • Monika
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    Vse probehlo naprosto v poradku! Den byl uzasny, deti si to moc uzily
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  • Ching Ho
    Ching Ho
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    Majitel Božo byl před naším výletem lodí tak citlivý a nápomocný a udělal ze všeho hračku. V den našeho výletu byly naše pantofle Joško a Nika tak milé a znalé; vzali nás na nejlepší místa ke koupání a dokonce nám pomohli získat rezervaci na oběd na ostrově. Byli také super flexibilní a vstřícní na základě toho, co jsme chtěli dělat po celý den.
    The owner Božo was so responsive and helpful prior to our boat trip and made everything a breeze. On the day of our trip, our slippers Joško and Nika were so kind and knowledgeable; they took us to the best places for swimming and even helped us get a reservation for lunch on an island. They were also super flexible and accommodating based on what we felt like doing throughout the day.
  • Nigel
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    Nemůžu poděkovat Bozovi za to, že nám pomohl zorganizovat naši denní chartu, posádka byla skvělá, vzala nás na úžasná místa ke koupání, výlety po ostrovech a neuvěřitelnou restauraci na oběd! Nelze dostatečně doporučit, pokud potřebujete charter v Dubrovníku, ujistěte se, že používáte Bozo a jeho tým. Velké poděkování naší včerejší posádce, měli jsme den, na který budeme dlouho vzpomínat!
    I cannot thank Bozo for helping us organise our days charter, the crew were excellent took us to amazing swimming spots, tours around islands and an incredible restaurant for lunch! Cannot recommend enough, if you need a charter in Dubrovnik make sure you use Bozo ans his team. A big thank you to our crew yesterday, we had a day we will remember for a long time!
  • Gilles
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    velmi dobrý výlet
    Très bonne sortie
  • Cindy
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    Excellente journée super bateau et le skipper marcino etait au top du top. Le skipper nous a réservé le restaurant pour midi et nous a même fait office de guide pour visiter lopud Je recommande à 100%
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  • Karen
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    Perfect day! Thank you
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  • Jonathan
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    Such an amazing day! Our skipper Nik was brilliant and incredibly helpful the whole day, showed us some amazing snorkelling spots and waited for kindly whilst we had lunch at Bowa, would highly recommend, thank you again
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  • Marina
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    The experience was great!!! Josko (our skipper) was amazing, very professional and he showed us around to the best beaches. The trip was super fun. He also took us to a beautiful, traditional fish tavern to eat in one of the Elafiti islands. Highly recommended!!!
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  • Jean Francois
    Jean Francois
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    Everything was perfect and the crew was friendly and professional
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  • Emelie
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    Měli jsme úžasný den na lodi!
    We had an amazing day on the boat!
  • Barbara
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    Amazing experience! Highly recommended! Very good easy communication
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  • Philip
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    Had a fantastic day on a very nice boat and reasonably priced. Could not fault the crew very helpful and ran the day the way we wanted . Took us to some amazing places to swim along with a lovely place to stop for lunch . went out of there way to drop us back as close as possible to hotel will use again and highly recommend them .
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  • Samuel
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    Really good fun, the captain was a very nice guy. I’d highly recommend.
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  • Fernanda
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    The host was amazing and extremely helpful. The skipper was incredible, and made sure we got to see every possible area around dubrovnik. He was also super sweet. I recommend using this boat.
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  • Pippa
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    We had a fantastic time! Josko, our skipper, couldn't do enough for us, from checking our route to refilling glasses, helping us up the swim ladder with towels waiting. They obviously care very much about the customer and do all possible to make sure you enjoy your day - also had the best price of all the companies - I will definitely book again next year ...thank you ever so much Bozo and Josko!
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  • Vogue
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    We had such an amazing day, the communication before was brilliant. All my questions answered within minutes, even a last minute date change was not a problem. Our skipper was fantastic. I could not recommend more. Thank you so much x
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  • Persia
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    Fantastic day! Our skipper Mario was absolutely lovely and tailored the trip to our group. The boat was great for 5 ppl (more than this may be a little cramped). They offered a snacks, cold drinks including water, beer, wine but we took lunch or you can swim to shore and get some at one of the spots. They didn’t supply crockery and cutlery. Good value for money. We had a great day! Thank you!
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  • Robbie
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    We had an amazing time, the boat was fantastic and Ivan the skipper was absolutely brilliant
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  • Tobias
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    Had a great day on the water with very good service
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  • Thiago
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    The boat is great and also the islands that he took us is amazing! Thank you’
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  • Richard
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    Great day, Antonio was more than happy to suggest a relaxed itinerary and ensure we all had fun.
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  • Mikhail
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    Bozo Bechir was told in advance that we can make a tour around all the Elaithi Islands, with the exception of Mljet. After the start of the tour, the skipper said that he was not ready to take us around the Shipan Island without additional payment and demanded an extra 100 euros for fuel (+100 euro for the skipper), although no one had warned about this in advance. So we were forced to pay extra.
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  • Joachim
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    We had a wonderful day on the boat. Our skipper Bozo was very helpful and had the best recommendations for this day. Great experience. Thanks a lot
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  • Karl
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    Had a great day .. Skipper was excellent
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    Božo Bećir
    Božo Bećir
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    Thank you Karl for renting our boat :)
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  • Thomas
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    Fantastic service throughout the trip and flexibility in pick-up harbour according to our hotel location. Skipper took us to 4 beautiful locations for swimming and sightseeing. The boat was very pleasant, and including drinks and snacks. A great way to spend the afternoon. Highly recommendable.
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    Božo Bećir
    Božo Bećir
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    Thank you Thomas for renting our boat ;)
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  • Oleg
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    The boat was perfect! Skipper was excellent! Thanks for perfect day!
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    Božo Bećir
    Božo Bećir
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    Thank you Oleg for perfect day :)
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  • Alex
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    We had a perfect day on Bozo’s boat. Our skipper Martko was great, very friendly, professional and took us to some amazing spots (including a superb restaurant). Simple booking process and certainly surpassed our expectations. Highly recommended!
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  • Michael
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    Great trip with a very nice and good captain, took us to the most beautiful places and we had good conversations. Highly recommend!
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  • Vincent
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    Our skipper was great and very experienced, knew the best spots to go to and avoid the tourists. Very friendly and discreet
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  • Bernd
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    Everything was just perfect! Out can‘t get better service!
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  • Michael
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    Very nice boat, super condition and perfect for 4 people. Might be a little cosy if any more than 4! Excellent day out, with lovely spots, guided by Bozo who was absolutely charming and very knowledgeable. Really great recommendation for lunch restaurant- quiet, beautifully situated, great food and wine! What more could you ask for? Very happy to recommend and good value for money.
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  • Bertrand
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    Super prestation : bateau quasi neuf, skipper attentionné et très sympa. Je recommande
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  • Moises
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    Quiero agradecer a Bozo , la profesionalidad , proactividad y ayuda para organizar muy viaje . Recomiendo a todos contactar con Bozo Muchas gracia . HVALA!!!
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