Bavaria Cruiser 46 - 2008

Navrhl Ricardo Knight - Odpovídá do ~5h

Bavaria Cruiser 46 - 2008


Navrhl Ricardo Knight - Odpovídá do ~5h

Osoby: 9
Kajuty: 4
14,4 m
Se skipperem

Více o Alquiler Bavaria 46 PATAGONIA con Skipper

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Přijďte a užijte si naši loď na nejlepších ostrovech Chorvatska. Kapitán Richard Vám zajistí nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na palubě naší plachetnice Vaše plachetnice nabízí vynikající ubytování na palubě, ve třech dvoulůžkových kajutách a dvou jednolůžkových, prostorný obývací pokoj a prostornou kuchyň. Má dvě koupelny se sprchovým koutem. Kromě člunu s přívěsným motorem, vybavení pro šnorchlování ... Paddle Board a vybavení z (Skrytá data) nabízí oblast ...

Přijďte a užijte si naši loď na nejlepších ostrovech Chorvatska. Kapitán Richard Vám zajistí nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na palubě naší plachetnice Vaše plachetnice nabízí vynikající ubytování na palubě, ve třech dvoulůžkových kajutách a dvou jednolůžkových, prostorný obývací pokoj a prostornou kuchyň. Má dvě koupelny se sprchovým koutem. Kromě člunu s přívěsným motorem, vybavení pro šnorchlování ... Paddle Board a vybavení z (Skrytá data) nabízí oblast Dalmácie nejkřišťálovější vody. Užijte si přírodní krásy národního parku Mljet. Projděte se starobylými uličkami krásné Korčuly. Nebo si užijte nádherné festivaly na Hvaru .... nebo se prostě ztraťte v kanálech ostrova Brač nebo si užijte slunce a mořské koupele v Bold. Čekáme na vás na palubě. Cena zahrnuje: 1. Snídaně 2. Hosteska (Asistent, který vám pomůže na lodi)- Zdarma.- 3. Kapitán není zahrnut v ceně 160 eur za den.- Není zahrnuto v ceně lodi: Chorvatské daně nejsou zahrnuty v ceně cena bude zaplacena majiteli na místě. (Martime Agency -Transit Log - Pobytová taxa a DPH).- ***Poznámky: Všechny dodatečné daně a kapitán musí být zaplacen v HOTOVOSTI na palubě před zahájením cesty.

Come and enjoy our boat in the best islands of Croatia. Captain Richard will ensure you an unforgettable holiday aboard our sailboat your sailboat offers excellent accommodation on board, in three double cabins and two singles, a spacious living room and a spacious kitchen. It has two bathrooms with shower. In addition to a dinghy with outboard motor, snorkelling equipment ... Paddle Board and equipment from (Hidden data) the region of Dalmatia offers ...

Come and enjoy our boat in the best islands of Croatia. Captain Richard will ensure you an unforgettable holiday aboard our sailboat your sailboat offers excellent accommodation on board, in three double cabins and two singles, a spacious living room and a spacious kitchen. It has two bathrooms with shower. In addition to a dinghy with outboard motor, snorkelling equipment ... Paddle Board and equipment from (Hidden data) the region of Dalmatia offers the most crystalline waters. Enjoy the natural beauty of Mljet National Park. Walk through the ancient streets of beautiful Korcula. Or enjoy the wonderful festivals in Hvar .... or simply get lost in the canals of the island of Brac or enjoy the sun and sea baths in Bold. We are waiting for you on board. Cost includes: 1. Breakfast 2. hostess (An assistant to help you on the boat)- Free of charge.- 3. Skipper is not included 160 euros per day.- Is Not Included on Boat Fee: Croatian Taxes are not included in the price to be paid to the owner on site.( Martime Agency -Transit Log- Sojour Tax and Vat ).- ***Notes: All the extra taxes and skipper must be paid by CASH on board before starting the trip.


Podmínky pronájmu

Typ pronájmu
Se skipperem
Předběžný čas začátku a konce pronájmu:
09:00 / 19:00
(Spravováno přímo vlastníkem)
Podmínky zrušení
Není zahrnuto v ceně


Typ lodi
Plachetnice (Jiná plachetnice)
Značka - Model
Rok výroby
Povolená kapacita
Počet kajut
Počet lůžek
Délka (m)
Šířka (m)
Ponor (m)
55hp (1 motor) - čtyřtakt
Typ paliva
Zvířata jsou na palubě povolena
Záchranné vybavení
Další možné odjezdy
Kaštel Lukšić


Exkurzní den
Vodní sporty



Sluneční stříška
Ložní prádlo
Wifi a internet
Sprcha na palubě


Zásuvka 220V
USB zástrčka


Plynový vařič


Nafukovací člun
Vybavení pro rybaření
Brýle, šnorchl, ploutve
Venkovní reproduktory
Držák na pruty


Malý člun
Motor přídavného člunu
Příďový pomocný motor


Teplá voda
Zásobník na sladkou vodu
Koupelna (2)


Supplément skipper
Od 1 den
/ den
Tarifa de limpieza final
/ půjčení
Agencia Maritima
/ půjčení
Sojour tax
/ den / osobu
Transit Log
/ půjčení
VAT Boat
13 % pronájem
Paddle Board
/ půjčení
pernocte en marina
/ den

Celkové hodnocení nájemců

4.5 - 17 komentářů

Detail recenzí
Splnění požadavků lodi
Stav lodi
Pohodlí na palubě
Recepce a komunikace
Poměr kvalita/cena
Fotografie předchozích nájemců

Nemoderované recenze – seřazeno od nejnovějších po nejstarší

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Amazing time with great owner.
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Unser langersehnter Urlaub war leider enttäuschend, Riccardo brach am 3. Tag ab, er mochte uns nicht, gebucht war 1 Woche. Wir sind keine Minute gesegelt, nur mit dem Motor gefahren. Die Stimmung des Kapitän schwankte stark, mehrmals täglich und bereits nach der 2. Nacht hat er erstmals die Beherrschung verloren und geschrien. Er war sehr unangenehm und wir fühlten uns danach auch sehr unwohl.
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Ricardo Knight
Ricardo Knight
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Client Mrs Sabine come on board and every thing was perfect..but I discovered she have some kind of hillnnes ( Some respiratory problem..she use an oximeter many times in the day..and her temper change in the next days) Becoming agressive without any reason.At the 3th day she decide to cancel the trip..then I contact Samboat and explain the situation...she want all her payment back and been discusing with Samboat for long time... Unfortunly we dont know who is coming to chartering and sail with us..Obviously she had a problem and we are not responsable for clients with emotional or phisical problems. We will continous working as we did since we open the company with high quality standars and trying to gave to our customers the best experience posible....Most of my guests are so happy ...this Kind of situation are not normal.-
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We, 3 adults plus two 12 years old boys) just had wonderful four days sailing holiday with Ricardo. He is very good with kids, boys are super happy with all kinds of activities: paddle board, swimming, fishing, and of course learn how to sail with Ricardo. He also give us very good recommendation for local restaurants, we had an amazing PEKA meal! Boys cannot wait for the next sailing trip!
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We had such a great time with our skipper Richard, a week that we will never forget. He showed us many awesome places, we even got the chance to see dolphins! Richard became a friend of us right from the beginning. We enjoyed his stories, jokes and his cooking skills. Depending on your wishes, he always has plan b and plan c, so at the end of the day everybody was happy throughout our journey!
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The skipper went from overdone ehthusiasm to abrupt comments/interdictions. He got annoyed for the slightest reasons. The final invoice included unexpected items. He insisted on being paid in cash and got very upset when we did not have the 1200 euros. He grabbed all our cash from my hand and said that it was his tip. The guy is unstable and potentially dangerous. We do not recommend.
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Ricardo Knight
Ricardo Knight
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Mr. Borrel knews exacly the conditions of the charter payment.In our chat before embarking every item was clear...when he arrives I did a breafing meeting to let every thing clear about it...this is the normal procedure with all my avoid any misunderstanding..or desagreement ..Once arrived to port...He told me that have not money to pay...I offer him to pay by Bank transfer..24 hours later once he flow back to home he Cancel the transfer.. Inmediatly contact Samboat explain the situation and request assistance...Samboat contact him and finally Mr Borrel.transfer part of the money..Not the total amount of his Invoice..Never have an experience like this in so many years since I open my Company My Super Owner Condition...the incredibles reviews of my guests...are the certainty of the quality service and seriousness of our work
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Our 4 day trip with Ricardo exceeded our expectations. Ricardo is very nice company, full of stories, a good cook and very patient. It is clear that he knows the area very well. In addition, he is very flexible, plans can easily be changed. He took us to places where we normally would not have come, such as the best Peka restaurant and an old Yugoslavian military naval base. Thanks Ricardo!
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Eine super Zeit gehabt. Ricardo hat uns wie Freunde in seinem Haus ( Boot) behandelt. Aufmerksam, zuvorkommend einfach nett. Er hat uns herrliche Plätze gezeigt und war stets um unser Wohl besorgt. Frühstück sehr gut und auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen. An ihm ist ein Koch verloren gegangen. :-) immer gern wieder. Vielen Dank. Thomas, Doro und Claudia
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Ricardo Knight
Ricardo Knight
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Thanks will be always welcome!!!!!
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I highly recommend skipper Ricardo to everyone who likes an unforgettable sailing trip in the Croation waters. We (group of 6 friends) sailed a long weekend together with Richard, visited several islands and swimming places. Richard proved not only to be a professional sailor but also a very good/very friendly host (nice breakfast!) so we had a very relaxed time! Thank you Ricardo!!
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Riccardo is an amazing captain, bringing you smoothly from one paradise to another. Also great with kids! The boat is very comfortable with all amenities you could dream about. Memories for a whole life -*)
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We booked with Ricardo for 3 days/2 nights. This was our first time sailing and spending the night on a boat. We were a family of 4 with 2 boys of age 10 & 6 and all slept well! We saw dolphins, the boys learned how to paddle on a SUP board, Ricardo also let them steer the boat and was great with them. We enjoyed various beautiful swimming spots and a wonderful restaurant recommended by Ricardo.
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Great experience on our sailing trip. Perfectly arranged according to our needs, giving the perfect balance between sailing and relaxing ! We really felt at home from the first moment we arrived... Muchas gracias Ricardo!
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We had an amazing time on the boat with Ricardo! Can recommend him to everone who wants to have a good and relaxed time. He picked us up at the harbour and took us out to a quite bay. The communication with Ricardo was very easy and quick.
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Thank you so much for this travel. Ricardo is a very good skipper and very attentive. He can do everything you want. I recommend you with no hesitation. It was a wonderful trip between friends
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Most Wonderful boat trip!! We actually saw dolphins at the start ! Ricardo is a great person with lots of experience and is very calm in explaining the things for a good sailing and knows all beautiful spots in kroatia. We had a good Laugh and he is great with children ! We will absolutely book Ricardo again !!
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Our family had a beautiful trip around the islands with Richard. His knowledge of the local islands ensured that trip was really suited to our needs, with the youngster's and less confident and experienced sailors all having a great time. Looking forward returing to see more of wonderful Croatian islands with Richard.
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Sehr netter und freundlicher Skipper. Er ist komplett auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und hat uns auch sehr viele Tipps für gute Restaurants gegeben. Wir hatten immer sehr viel Spaß mit ihm
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We had a wonderful week on Ricardo's boat. The boat is quite spacious and very well equipped, the weather was fantastic. Most importantly, we couldn't expect a better skipper and a better host for our family (3 kids: 4, 8 and 10 years old). Ricardo did his best to accommodate us onboard and took us to some great places where we could explore the wonders of Croatia islands. Thanks again Ricardo!
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Kde se loď nachází?

Informace o majiteli: Ricardo Knight
Ricardo Knight
Člen od 2020
Podívejte se na všechny lodě této charterové společnosti
Procento odezvy: 100 %
Doba odezvy: do 5 hodin
Jakými jazyky se domluvíte: Španělština, Itálie, Angličtina
/ den
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